27 OCTOBER 1838, Page 7

It is reported to be the intention of the Marquis

Conyngham to re- sign the post of Lord Chamberlain, in consequence of the delicate state of the health of the Marchioness.—Morning Post.

Sir Henry Parnell, Paymaster-General, arrived at the Pay.office, Whitehall, on Monday, from a short tour.—Courier. [Has Sir Henry Parnell been to Dundee ? We believe not ; and Sir Henry acts prudently in refraining from personal intercourse with his constituents. So do Lord John Russell, Mr. Poulett Thomson, Sir John Hob- house, and Lord Morpeth.]

Sir James Carnac, we understand, is urging very vehemently his claims upon Sir John Cam Hobhouse to the Bombay appointment, vacant by the death of Sir Robert Grant. He insists especially, it is said, upon his services as Chairman of the East India Company at the period when the Oude presents were kept back from William the Fourth, and a native interpreter paraded in London as the Ambassador from the King of Oude, for the purpose of annoying and discrediting the authorized representative of that Prince.—Morning Post.

Mr. Oliphant, Attorney-General at the Cape of Good Hope, will probably succeed Mr. Sergeant Rough, as Chief Justice of Ceylon.

The Earl of Leicester, who continues in indifferent health at Holk- barn, has given up his town residence in Arlington Street, formerly oc- cupied by Mr. Ellice.

Lord and Lady Lyndhurst are at Baden-Baden ; where, it is said, they will remain another month, and then go to Paris for the greater part of the winter.