The English Stock Market was depressed on Tuesday and Wednesday, and Consols for Account were as low as 938. A report, however, prevailed, that after the meeting of the Bank Directors on the following day, a notice similar to that issued at the closing of the hooks for the dividend would appear, stating the readiness of Directors to lend money till the 20th of January, at h per cent. interest; aed an improvement in the value of stock immediately took place. Thursday, however, passed off without any such notice being issued ; and though the Money Market gave way slightly when the fallacy of the report became apparent, it has rallied again to-day, and appears firm-Console having been doue at 94h both for Money and Account, which is an improvement of 6 per cent. from the lowest quotation. New Three-mid-a-Half per Cents. have been done at 102, which is also a similar improvement, and all the English Funds have fluctuated in a similar degree.
The recent intelligence from India is stated to be of a very warlike character; and the prevailing opinion at Calcutta, when the last advices came away, was that a war is inevitable. We imagine that to this circumstance is to be attri- buted the decline of India Stock, which has been as low as 260, but speedily rose again upon receipt of the news of the recall of our Ambassador by the Shah of Persia, and the price has been to-day as high as 2628. Bank Stock has remained Steady between 203 and 204. Exchequer Bills are heavy, and are to-day between 02 and 64 prem. This decline is remarkable, when compared with the firmness of the Stock Market ; but the continued in- vestments on behalf of the Savings Banks, which have now been going on fur some time to an extent of from 20,0001. to 30,0001. daily, have completely cleared the market, and rendered all descriptions of Stock scarce. The Foreign Fundy have been all depressed, from sympathy with the English Market ; but they have all since recovered. The Northern Stocks have been but slightly ail.ected. Some few transactions have occurred in Dutch Bands, but they have not been extensive ; and the fluctuation in these securities has not exece:101 6 per cent. Brazilian Bands have been as low 768, but have since improved neat ly 2 per cent. The other South Aniericau Stocks Wale also very heavy ; and on Tuesday the markets fur them were so depressed, that any extensive sale would have been impossible ; they have since improved, and are nominally quoted within 6 per cent. of our last prices. Mexican Bonds were at 206, but are now 21} 22. Portuguese Securities have been eery heavy ; the Five per Cents. (Regency) have been as low as 306 ; Eve per Cents. iti37) at 24; and the Three per Cents. at 20. They have, how- ever, all since improved, and may be quoted from I to 16 per cent. above these prices. This decline has not been produced by any political events, but is entirely attributable to the effect upon all Furman Securities by the state of the English Money Market, the tir.t impulse to the Foreign Funds having been given by the rise in the Consol Market. Spanish Stock has been as low as 176, but has since rallied about 6 per cent. ; the market having kept up during the last three days, although there has not been any improvement in the price of the Stock at Paris.
The Railway Share Market has been steady ; the business having been chiefly confined t) Great Western, which are tether better, in consequence of the firmness of the market at Liverpool. Grand Junction (Birmingham and Man- chester) have been done to-day at 100 prem. ; and as every shareholder is en- titled to a new 501. share, which is saleable at 401. prem., th$ profit to the original holder• is at present 1401. per shire. The great success of this under- taking, and of the Liverpool and Manchester Railu uy, neonate for the fond- ness of the Lancashire capitalists for this species of investmerit.
S.artanay.'1'wct.vE O'Cl.ocit.
All descriptions of Stock are firmer this morning; and the fete transac- tions that have occurred, have been at an advance on yesterday's prices. Both India and Bank Stock are higher ; the former having been done at 2621, and the latter at 204. Exchequer Bills nod India Bonds are from Is. to 2r. higher. In the Foreign Market there is a marked improvement in Portuguese Securities; the Five per Cents. (Regency) being 326 a; the Three per Cents. 21; and Five per Cents. (1837) 251 268. Brazilian are also higher ; as are Columbian, which are 234 241. Mexican are 21i 221. Spanish Stock supports its price, although the Paris Market is still heavy. In the Railway Market, -Man- chester and Birmingham Shares, which have been long neglected, are in de- mand at I prem., and the extension line at 8 picm. The other ,current varieties are in fair demand, at rather better prices. 3 per Cent.Consols
Brazilian 5 per Cent a
78 9 Ditto for Account 944 Danish 744 I 3 per Cent. Redueed
934 1 Dutch 24 per Cents... 54 0
New 34 per Cent. Anna 1014 2 Portuguese Regeacy 5 p.Cts. 324 g Bank Stock 2034 4
Ditto 3 per Cent.
204. 14 IudiaStuck 2614 24 Russian (1922) 5 per Cent... 1114124 Ditto Bonds 64 66
Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent.., 174 8
Exchequer 11111s 64 66 Deferred Stock
74 1
Belgian 5 per Cants 1034 4 Passive Ditto 34 44