WE have lately seen and heard some brass instruments constructed on a principle which promises to enlarge their powers and extend their usefulness to a much greater degree than any former attempts have been able to accomplish. The limited scale of the trumpet and horn have materially circumscribed their employment in modern orchestral writing ; and the impossibility of their following a composer rapidly from key to key has still further limited their agency. In the time of PURCELL and HANDEL, the trumpet was a prominent orchestral and solo instrument ; but this character it has wholly lost. Several at- tempts have been made to overcome this defect by the employment of keys and valves ; but these have all changed the tone of the instru- ment to which they were applied, and deprived the trumpet of its mar- tial and spirit-stirring character. The present invention may be described as a method of instantly shortening or lengthening the tube of the trumpet, horn, and trombone, or any other brass instrument. The mechanism is beautiful and simple ; and the first impression on seeing it is that of astonishment that it should have escaped all former inventors. When applied to the trumpet, it enables the performer to produce every semitone from the bottom to the top of the instrument in rapid succession, with all the freedom and fulness of tone of the common trumpet ; the key of the instrument being as completely changed as if a crook was put on or off. The.same.remarks equally apply to the horn • in which the notes out of the scale are now produced by inserting the hand into the bell of the instrument, and thus, of necessity, changing and injuring its tone. In the improved horn, all these notes are easily produced, and a perfect equality and richness of tone secured.
To the performer on the trombone this invention is invaluable, as it will give to his execution both precision and rapidity unattainable on the common slide-trombone.
It is obvious that a discovery so important will effect a considerable change and extension of the employment of brass instruments in or- chestras, as well as military bands. The improved instruments have been tried, and their immediate adoption decided on, by the Queen's Private Band, and by nearly all the bands of the Household Brigade. The inventor of this beautiful piece of mechanism is a Mr. JOHN SHAW, of Glossop in Derbyshire ; and we are induced to give it all the publicity in our power, not only for its intrinsic importance, but because of the modest and unpretending manner in which it was introduced to our notice.