The novelties at Covent Garden do not keep pace in
popularity with the revivals of SHAKSPEARE. The two new pieces, produced on Friday and Saturday last week, will however serve to vary the enter- tainments that fill up the measure exacted by custom. As it seems necessary that people should not leave the theatre till they are thoroughly tired out, we know of nothing better calculated to promote the wearisomeness desiderated, than The Foresters; an adaptation of a heavy German melodrama of "domestic interest," protracted rather than enlivened by some pretty but characterless music by Mr. LODER, and encumbered with a glut of generous sentiments. The acting of VANDLNDOIS, WARDE, and ANDERSON, is excellent ; BARTLEY, as bluff forester, raises a laugh by the reiteration of a catch phrase, " D'ye take a hint?" and HARLEY makes the most of a ridiculous part : but what acting can avail in a drama in which such an incident as this occurs-VasaENHOFF, on recognizing his ancient enemy in a destitute traveller, whom he receives into his cottage, feels rather queer, and is led into another room ; when down drop his wife and daughter on their knees to pray for his recovery, and a chorus of pea- sants outside join in the invocation ! Mrs. WARNER has literally nothing to do; and Miss RAINFORTH and Miss P. HORTON little else but to sing duets, and keep Mr. FRASER in countenance.
The other novelty, Jealousy, is called a petite comedy, and employs the best talent of the company. The incidents and situations are farcical, while the language and sentiment are intensely serious ; and the incongruity destroys the effect of what might have made a smart and lively farce, had all been in keeping. A Miss CHARLES made her appearance in the character of the jealous wife : she seems a spirited and natural actress, but her energy tends to brusquerie and violence.
MACREADY played logo tO VANDENHOFF'S Othello on Thursday. Not being aware of the exchange of parts. we missed what seems to have been an extraordinary performance. If the only report we have read (the Morning Post's) is correct, MACREADY has realized this diffi- cult character, by hitting the just medium between the ostentatious villain and the mere passionless plotter. He produced quite a sensa- tion ; and his logo is spoken of as the best of his SHAKSPEARE characters.