27 OCTOBER 1939, Page 37


The beggar admits his in- ability to get better (9). 5. Fatigued by dressing (5). 8. They get all bunched up (5).

9. What three of Browning's characters were doing (9).

t. " Birdsong at morning and - at night " (9). 12. To sob like this makes for increase (5). 13. The owner didn't seem to want the little wooden but (4). 14. Silent sea becomes what must be got (9).

18. They are more frequently found in the bar than the byre these clays (9). 21. Case of singletons (4). 23. The scope of cooking? (5). 25. Puree I can devise for him (9)-

27. Not a lethal shaft (9). 28. Inquisitive wind (5). 29. If not a patron at least a supporter of art (5). 3o. Apparently the bird doesn't get all the upland (9).

DOWN " I have heard the singing his love-song to the morn" (5). 2. Type without a rival (9). 3. Determined it's sin (6).

4. Snake-like (7)-

5. Its players seem to take a return ticket (8). 6. Jungle cash (5). 7. Fold a sail and treat it with a spade above (9).

to. Not so much about zero (5). 13. He isn't quite the strapping

fellow he was in the last

war (two WOVE) (3, 6).

x5. "To thy high requiem be- come a - " (3). 16. Arid scene magnified (9). r7. " These honours, Peace to happy Britain brings, These are - works, and worthy Kings" (9). 19. This ancient tribe seems more than half frozen (5). 20. Hush! I'm the French sea

(7)- 22. " Sink me the ship master , Split her from end to end " (6).

24. Memoranda in stone (5). 26. Lost by the timorous (5).