27 OCTOBER 1939, page 2

America And Japan

Mr. Joseph Grew, the American Ambassador in Tokyo, was undoubtedly speaking with authority when he told a Japanese audience what America thinks of the proposed new order in the......

The Pressure On Finland

The Finnish delegation which left Helsinki for Moscow on Sunday evening left Moscow for Helsinki on Tuesday evening for fresh instructions, which suggests clearly enough that......

South Africa In The War

If there is a section of Afrikaan opinion in South Africa which is anti-British, there is none which is pro-German, said Colonel Denys Reitz on his arrival in England for the......

The Russian Attitude

The Soviet Government is consolidating its gains in Poland and the Baltic countries. A plebiscite has been held in the two Polish provinces annexed to Russia, and the inhabit-......

The 'city Of Flint '

From our own point of view the most serious aspect of the seizure of the American liner ' City of Flint' by a German warship is the revelation (doubtless no revelation to the......

The " Continental Blockade "

So far is Germany convinced of the efficacy of blockade that she is now bent upon establishing a " Continental blockade " of her own against us and the outer world. Her trouble......