Granby Calcraft, Esq., late M.P., has been appointed landing-waiter at
Jamaica, worth 4001. per annum.—Limerick Chronick.
Can this be true ? A landing-waiter is a customhouse-011m, whose business it is to watch the landing of cargoes, and to pre- vent any goods or merchandise being removed, until means have bel.n taken to secure the payment of duties upon them. The slicer who really attends to this necessary department, is generally a self-important personage, to be seen bustling about the docks or wharfs, in a rusty black coat, oil-skin covered hat, with a pea behind his ear, and an ink-horn at hia button-hole; his complexion affording ample testimony to the punctual performance of that part of his duty which consists in ascertaining the actual contents of wine and spirit casks. Has the gay and gallant Mr. GRANBY CALCRAFT been reduced so low as to accept such an office as this in Jamaica? It is incredible : if the appointment has actually been made, we fear that Mr. SPRING RICE has been taken in, or lent himself to a job ; and that the office of landing-waiter at Jamaica is a sinecure to the holder, the duties being performed by some deputy for 50/. a year and sundry perquisites.