SATURDAY N Impos t. news from Lisbon, to thi (20th int t int, was received to - day, and published in late editions of the Times and the Morning Chronicle. Don PEDRO, at the......
Winter Theatricals.
THZ season of the Winter Theatres commences in good earnest next week, when no fewer than five houses open their doors,—namely, the Adelphi, the Olympic and the Victoria on......
Money Continues Scarce, According To The General Report...
Market; but on the whole it is probably overrated, and it certainly does not exist to any inconvenient extent in quarters really deserving of credit. It is a very general......
It Was Incorrectly Stated In The Papers Last Week (the
Spectator among them), that the new Post-office regulations for the transmission of Newspapers would take effect only from the 10th of October. It should have been the 1st. An......
There Have Been Several Commerciel. Failures Lately In...
occasioned by the scarcity of money in some instances, and in others, it would seem, by gambling and misconduct. The report of the pro- ceedings in the BankruptcyCourt yesterday......
The Inauguration Of A Column At St. Petersburg, Erected In
honour of the late Emperor Alexander, took place on the 11th instant. The ceremonial is described as being extremely grand. Early in the morn- ing, the square in which the......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AETIRXOUN. The Consol Market has continued in the same apathetic state as for the last few weeks: the transactions in it, and in the English Funds......