27 SEPTEMBER 1834, Page 9


THZ season of the Winter Theatres commences in good earnest next week, when no fewer than five houses open their doors,—namely, the Adelphi, the Olympic and the Victoria on Monday ; Diary Lane on Wednesday (instead Of the previous Saturday, as it was end); and Covent Garden on Thursday.

YATES has got up the Parisian spectacle of the Wandering Jew ; which lie Ins submitted to a similar process of transmutation as that which Rossi:41's opera of Moses in Egypt underwent to fit it for the Italian Opera in this country, where it is known as Peter the Hermit. He has eln:stened it the Black Hand; and has converted the Wandering Jew into a Dervish, and the Desil of Scripture into Eblis, the Oriental Spirit of Evil. The original piece is a tissue of gross profanity, of which the Times gave us some specimens at great length ; but, by chan- ging the Scripture personages into fabled mortals, Angels into Pei-is, and avoiding the profane allusions of the dialogue, the principal scenes and incidents are divested of their offensive character, and the same scope is obtained for the display of stage wonders. We are to have an earthquake, and a fiei y sea, and views of the burning throne of Eblis, and the golden gates of the celestial city—a pleasing mixture. Besides this there is an additional novelty of a more sober description—a burietta "of deep domestic interest," with music by CaLt.corr. The only change of note in the performers, is the substitution of Mrs. KEE- LEY for Mrs. WavLerr, who last season took the place of Mrs. Firrz- WILLIAM. We prefer Mrs. KEELEY to either, and so we think will the audience.

The stage, we are told, besides being "moveable," is double its former size : but we hear of no change in the audience part, except that it has been freshly decorated. Are we to have a repetition of the sudorific squeezes of last season ? We perspire at the bare idea! VErrnts holds the same cards as at her last Olympic game, with one or two additions ; but whether they turn up trumps, remains to be seen. She leads off vvith a pam-flush of three new burlettas, in which herself, Mrs. ORGER, LISTON, and KEELEY, are the dwurt suite. The principal novelty at the Victoria, after the glass curtain, is a new farce by Mr. A'BEceerr, called The Man with the carpet Bag ; of which MITCHELL is the hero. There is a saloon for the Pittites; the loungers in which are likely to be more numerous than select. One of the Great Houses will open with the extraordinary attraction of VANDENHOFF as Coriolanas. We have not heard what correlative novelty will give eclat to the opening of the othet.