The Revising Barristers for the Tower Hamlets concluded their sittings
on Wednesday. The number of voters registered in this borough, in the present year, is 9,743; last year the number was 9,887; and in the year preceding it was 10,299; thus exhibiting a decrease of votes in each year ; the cause of which is ascribed to the non.payment of taxes. In the parish of St. John's, Hackney, there is a diminution of 500 votes since last year, and in Ratcliff hamlet there is an increase of 200 votes.— Courier.
We are rather surprised that the diminution is not larger. There is no pressing inducement to electors to incur the trouble of pro- curing their names, when omitted, to be inserted on the register; for the prospect of a dissolution of Parliament is not near. The greater number of those who have lost their right of suffrage this year are probably defaulters in the payment of rates and taxes. And so great has been the popular disappointment at the proceed- ings of the Reformed Parliament, that few think it worth while to put themselves even to temporary inconvenience for the chance of having the right to send a Representative to it in the event of sudden dissolution or a vacancy.