Sig,—Our Clubs for Working Girls are now re-opened for the autumn and winter sessions, and never before have we received so many requests for workers and visitors who would assist or take friendly part in making the club evenings more and more what the working girl is requiring for healthy recreation in her off-duty hours.
In Battersea, Camberwell, Hackney, Fulham, Heaton, West- minster, in fact north, south, east, and west we would delight to introduce those of your readers who could teach morris dancing, drilling, singing, needlework, or who could take a newspaper read- ing class, give lectures or some account of holidays, travels, &c.; in fact anyone who can really do something well enough to give pleasure to their own friends and who would like to include a group of eager, responsive girls on their list. Travelling expenses are frequently paid, but it is well to remember that the London Clubs for Working Girls number some six hundred, and are all poor, and that our National Organ- ization of Girls' Clubs is starving for want of annual subscribers. Since May over five hundred of the girls in our affiliated clubs have spent holidays at our Holiday Home at Seaford, which Mrs. Darrell (daughter of the late Mr. Emerson Bainbridge) handed over to us for management in 1912, and the beds are still engaged until the middle of October. Since May also the National Organization of Girls' Clubs has been responsible for the Rest and Refreshment Club for the girl employees in the Earl's Court Exhibition. There have been a hundred and eighty girls on our books, and an average of eighty have attended daily for dinners and teas. The management and catering, and in fact part of the daily serving at the bar, have been done voluntarily throughout the season.
Funds are most urgently needed, and we beg your readers to help. Our reports, publications, and all further information can be obtained from or at the address below—We are, Sir, &c.,
LILY H. MONTAGU', Chairman.
118 Great Titclifield Street, W.