27 SEPTEMBER 1913, page 23
Snow Upon The Desert. By S. Macnaughtan. (hodder And,...
8s.) — Those, and they are many, who are grateful t O - Miss Macnaughtanfor Christina M`Nab and the Lame Dog, will laic hone Of 'their 'faith in her because of Snow upon fhe......
WATERSPRINGS.* INTEREST attaches to Watersprings for two reasons. It is the Erst regular novel from the-pen of its industrious and accom- plished author, and it establishes......
The Shadow Of Dia.z.t Mexico, The Land Of Revolution, Must
always retain its fascination for the inhabitants of humdrum, sedate, indus- trial Europe, and, judging by recent events, the interest seemS likely to be well maintained. Mr.......