As the result of a conference held on Monday between
representatives of the London General Omnibus Company, Messrs. Tilling, and the Union of Licensed Vehicle Workers, Sir George Ask with acting as chairman, the omnibus dispute has been settled on the following terms. The companies agree to recognize the union, to allow the union badge to be worn, and to reinstate the men dismissed by Messrs. Tilling. On the other hand, the men's union agree that there is to be no interference with or intimidation of non-unionists, and the understanding that " the companies are not to be affected by disputes with companies with -whom they have no direct concern" has teen explained by the president of the union as equivalent to a guarantee against sympathetic strikes. Ques- tions of discipline and management are not to be interfered with; such questions not to prevent officers of the union conferring with the management in matters of wages or working con- ditions. The discussion was conducted in a friendly spirit, the representatives of the men admitting that the employers had met them very fairly, that the discussion had removed misunderstandings on both sides, and that it augured happily for the establishment of amicable relations in the future.