The Early History of the Abbey of Abingdon. By P.M.
Stenton, M.A. Published by University College, Reading. (B. H. Black- well, Oxford; Henry Frowde, London. 2s. 6d. net.)—This careful little volume, which is the result of Mr. Stenton's tenure of the Research Fellowship in Local History at Reading University, traces the history of the abbey from its foundation in the seventh century down to the Conquest. The Historia .11fimasterii de Abingdon was already known through its publica- tion in the Rolls Series in 1858, but recent advances in scholar- ship had made a reconsideration of the evidence desirable. Mr. Stenton has gone over the ground conscientiously, and endeavours, with the assistance of other authorities, contem- porary and modern, to bring the story of the abbey into relation with the life of the time.