27 SEPTEMBER 1946, Page 4

The Sunday Express, which usually forms the hors d'oeuvres of

my Sabbath sustenance, has for the last year carried two interesting political articles week by week, one by a Labour M.P., Mr. Thurtle, and one by a Conservative, Mr. Derek Walker-Smith. Now a rather perplexing development has taken place. Mr. Walker-Smith disappears and an anonymous " Cross-Bencher " ;fills the vacant niche. Mr. Thurtle, so far, remains. What does this portend ? The Sunday Express is assumed to be a Conservative paper. It has shown broadmindedness in presenting the political scene each week through Labour as well as Conservative eyes. Now, it seems, there are to be no Conservative eyes ; for cross-bench and Conservative can hardly be,synonymous. What does the cross-bench attitude portend ? And what is Lord Beaverbrook's relation to' the new column ? The second question is the more interesting.

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