Education And Dentistry
Sta,—We have come to accept the misfortune that politicians may often interpret facts to suit political expediency. When Ministers of the Crown misrepresent facts—either through......
Well-educated German Prisoners
Sm,—I fail to see why Janus should be so surprised that a third of his audience of German prisoners could understand him. In fact, his whole account throws an interesting light......
Sm,—even If The Attorney General's Comparison Of The...
by the Socialists now and the Tories in 1919 had been actuarially correct, it would have been essentially unfair, for the conditions were so different. The population in 1919......
The Western Heritage
SIR,—In contemplating the present expansion of Muscovite domination and the possibility of still further expansion, it seems time that we asked ourselves the question whether or......
Fish For Livestock?
Sta,—Your correspondent, Sir Murdoch McKenzie Wood, writes that before the first world war the herring industry exported 2,000,000 barrels of herrings yearly. Dr. Worthington,......
British Wives And German Houses
Sta,—I have just read the letter on house-requisitioning in Germany in your edition of September aoth, and I wish to state that your correspondent Mr. London is singularly well......
Housing Drive : 1919 And 1946
SIR,—I read with interest the reference in Spectator's Notebook to my recent speech on housing. I make no complaint at all about it, but the inevitably condensed newspaper......
Prayers And The Weather
SIR, -It is now (1946) demonstrable that what we call " the weather," meaning thereby the amount of sun heat and water condensation and precipitation experienced in a given......