By PHILIDOR No. 120 Specially contributed by J. HARING (Holland
• BLACK (8 men) WHITE (12 men)
WHITE to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. Solution to last week's problem by OverkanIP: Kt-B 2, threat R-K 4. 1 . . . P-B 4; 2 B-K 5 (set Q-Kt 5). 1 . . . P-B 6; 2 Kt-R 3 (set Q-Kt 3). 1 . • • R-K 6; 2 P x R (set Q x R). 1 . . . R-K 4; 2 B X ' Very elegant pair of changed mates after Black pawn moves.
FOR players with a taste foi the macabre I can recom- mend 1,000 Best Short Games of ,Chess by 10/1" Chernev (Hodder and Stoughton, 25s.). The g arnes are arranged in order of length (starting with Gibaud" Lazard, Paris, 1924, which goes 1 P-Q 4, Kt-1C B 3; 2 Kt-Q 2, P-K 4; 3 P x P, Kt-Kt 5; 4 P-K R 3 ? ?' Kt-K 6!; 5 Resigns) and a selection of them are classified by theme in the foreword. Here are tW0 games from the collection—one remarkable in that the winner moves only pawns, the other showing that the grtheem.
atAnderssen could lose brilliancies as well as Win
White, KUJOTH Black, FASHINGBAUER Opening, Sicilian (Wing Gambit).
1 FL
3 P-Q R 3 Kt-Q B 3 (a) 8 P-Q B 4 Kt---BQK2t.C)
2 P-Q 4 P-Q B 4 6 P-K 5 Q K t 4 P x P 7 P-Q 4
4PxP Kt-B 3 (b) 9 P-B 5 Kt-Q 4 d) A piece is lost, e.g., 10 . . Q-Q 1; 11 R x ptx (d : 5 P-Kt 5 Kt-Q Kt 1 10 P-Kt 6 Resigns (a) Better 3 ... P-Q 4; with a good game. (b) Better 4 ... Kt x P. 12 c) Better Kt-Q 4 at once. R c, P x R, Q-R 4 ch; 13 Kt-B 31' Kt x Kt (13 . . . Q x Kt 'c 14 B-Q 2); 14P x Kt, Q Kt x Q ch; 15 B-Q 2, Q-Q 1; 16 K X 1'1 winning easily.
2 Kt-K B 3 Kt-Q B 3 12 P x Kt Q1C-t-kiCtV
1 P-K 4 P-K 4 11 K-R 1
4 Kt x Kt PK1x-QK5t 1143 Pit-x8 R5 (Pd) P-K Qx ItR 41
3 B-Kt 5 5 B-B 4 6 P-K 5? Q (a) Kt-B 3
( h (e) P-Q 4 17 Q-B 3 Q-R 5 7 B-Kt 3? (6) B-K 5t! 51 18 Q-R 3 Q-Kt Such 8 P-K B 3 Kt-K 5! 19 K-R 2 Q-Kt 8 ch
10 P x B B-B 4 ch i (f ) 9 0-0? (c) P-Q 61 and mate in 3 more move
(6) After this, White is in serious trouble. P x Kt or B 2 (a) Here, and on the next move, P-Q 3 or 0-0 is better. 4‘ should be played. _Ft 4: (c) Not 9 P x B?, Q-R 5 ch and Black wins. 9 P-K Kt 31. E
10 P-Q 31 is however much better than the text.
(d) Forced, otherwise 13 ... Q-R 3 mate. (e) Pretty intermediate move, forcing White to block his square on R 3. (1) 20 K-R 2, B-Kt Bch; 21 K-R I, B-B 7ch;22K-R2,(3 mate.
night _gtt