27 SEPTEMBER 1957, page 18
Latin Cruelty
Grand' Rue. (Curzon.)—Seven Thunders. (Odeon, Marble Arch.)—No Sleep Till Dawn. (Warner.) — Omar Khayyam. (Plaza.) BOREDOM is the leitmotiv of Latin provincia : not for the......
Soft And Sweet
M IDNIGHT. To Milton it was 'blackest,' to Keats 'still'; Shelley found it 'profoundest,' Poe 'dreary,' Shakespeare 'dead.' To the lyrical disc-jockeys on late- night AFN it is......
Gramophone Records
(RECORDING COMPANIES: D, Decca; OL, Oiseau-Lyre; R, RCA; V, Vox.) THE issue of a complete collec- tion of Chopin's Mazurkas, in chronological order on three records (D), is an......