Nothing has changed during the week in the situation of
Ger- many. Despatches have been published showing that Austria offered to diaarm one day sooner than Prussia, and that Prussia accepted the offer, but nothing has been done, and the troops in Venetia have been made ready for active service. Count von Bismark has not gone to Ems, and the Italian papers and corre- spondence are full of reports of armaments, all of which are flatly denied in Paris. It would seem certain, however, that the fleet has been fitted out, that troops are being concentrated in two divisions on the Po and the Mincio, and that the fortifications of Cremona are being rapidly completed without any appeal to Parliament. The representatives of the Middle States have met together to consider the Prussian proposal for a German Parlia- ment, and Europe is waiting for the next move. On the whole the aspect of affairs is considered, with little reason, more peaceful, for the causes of quarrel have not diminished.