Mr. Lowe's Speech On Thursday Was The Most Brilliant Of
his efforts, and produced a very groat effect on the House. It seems to ns, however, like all he has done previously, to damage his own cause, by failing to admit the real......
The Cannon-street Murder Is Not Yet Much More Clear. The
woman .a few doors off 'who saw Smith coma out of the house just at the time of the =ulna singled him out from four- teen others, and adheres steadily to her statement. Terry......
Mr. Walpoleas Speech On Monday Was Somewhat Over Solemn, But
closely reasoned, and with much of that eloquence of character which tells so heavily in the House. He agreed that pledges ought to -be 'kept, but held that although the Rouse......
Mr. Maine Has Been Delivering A Remarkable Speech Before The
Calcutta University in defence of eramming. considers that " to cram" is nothing but to impart knowledge quickly, and be- lieves the crammers are making very important......
Mr. Barbour, The High Sheriff Of Cheshire, Writes To The
Times to describe the misery - which has fallen upon his county from the cattle plague, which had killed before the Act 58,500 head of cattle, worth 500,0007., while the......
The Civil Rights' Bill Has Been Carried-'in The •house Of
Repre- sentatives over the President's head, without debate, by a vote of 122 to 41—much more than was needed. The President has as yet made no sign, unless a notice to the......
The President Of The United States Hats, We Are Happy
to per- ceive, sent an armed vessel to watch the Canadian fisheries. There is more danger at •that point than at any spot in the British Empire. Under the Reciprocity Treaty the......
On Thursday Night Mr. Gladstone Announced, With A...
creditable to his nerves, that as the division on the Fran- chise Bill would be taken on Friday, he should on the following Thursday make his financial statement. This......
The Italian Collimate On Finance Have Nearly Agreed With The
Minister as to the new taxes to be voted. The most important is an income-tax of 8 per •cent. on all incomes not derived from the rent of land or houses. Those sources being......
The Similitude Used In Mr. Gregory And Mr. Disraeli's Remark
on the same evening, that the adjournment of the debate had been moved " by an orator of commanding power, but who certainly seldom interferes in a debate without adding some......
In Replying To Mr. Walpole Mr. Goschen Made One Of
the most acute of the Government speeches. It was full of points, too rapidly made and too little elaborated to take their proper Parliamentary effect. His best argument told......