Mr. Barbour, the High Sheriff of Cheshire, writes to the
to describe the misery -which has fallen upon his county from the cattle plague, which had killed before the Act 58,500 head of cattle, worth 500,0007., while the expenses of the Act will ammmt to 350,0001., and the total loss has not been less than 65,000 bean, worth 900,0001. He calls for a national subscription of 100,0007. in aid, towards which 22,000/. hail:leen already subscribed. 'The application is reasonable, the 'loss in this county being quite 'exceptional, provided always that the money raised is expended for the benefit of the county ratepayers as well as of the farmers. 'They also under the Aot suffer from the plague.. Suppose the -owners of Cheshire remit 100,0001. of rent?,