virulent nonsense about questions he has obviously not studied, but
he has led a life of adventure, and he tells his adventures very naturally and agreeably, with no trace of Munchausenism and very little picture- making. We do not know anything in its way—a thin but picturesque
way—better than his description of the agony of disgust which tempted him to leave the Legion des Etrangeres, or the means by which he escaped.
that service. Mr. Starner has been in almost all quarters of the world, and his defect is want of minuteness. He is evidently not aware, as his reader is sure to be, that his forte is not sketching, but Cruioe-like de- scription of single scenes—that he would have made a better book out of his short experience with the Legion if he had described the incidents- of each day and hour, than out of all his adventures.