Another discussion conducted by the Working Men's Club and institute
Union was held at Exeter Hall on Wednesday last, Lord Lyttelton in the chair. Mr. Cyrus Symons delivered an address in favour of the 7l. franchise, advancing a completely new argument for -it, that working men, once in the Rouse, would •teach their -colleagues the advantage of -brevity of opeeeh. If Mr. Symons -could prove this, we thiuk he would have done more for the Bill than Mr. Gladstone in the famous six speeches. Lord Lyttelton -was diplomatic about the Bill, and would not commit himself. Lord Elcho defended the view of his _parlor. The Secretary of the Working Men's Club and Institute Union writes to us, in refer- ence to our remarks of last week, that he regrets the circulation of Lard Lichfield's reply to Mr. Bainbridge before the circulation of Mr. Baintnidge's speech, and that the speeches of working men will have as fair play in future in all the -reports circulated by the society as the speeches of noble lords and _members of Parliament. 'This is as it should be.