The Cambridge election showed that in Cambridge at least the
present Reform Bill does not excite very much enthusiasm. Professor Fawcett went down and addressed the electors in favour of Mr. Torrens —an excellent Liberal candidate—pointing out that ff 'the Liberals of Cambridge could make a great push, and gain 20 votes or so on their poll at the last election, it would be accepted by the House of Commons as a marked testimony in favour of the Reform Bill. They did their best. Mr. 'Torrens is Afar abler man thanhis opponent, Mr. Gorst,—both men of colonial 'repute, 'the one in Australia, the other in New Zealand. Rut it wouldn't do. Mr. Gorst came in by a majority of T-9, the majority of the Conservatives in the last election luoiing been, we believe, 34.