By the latest accounts, the Russians are advancing both in
Asia and Europe. In Asia, they are threatening Kars, and a force, probably sent out to reconnoitre, has, the Turks say, been beaten back from Batonm with a loss of 800 men. In Europe, they have seized the bridge of Sereth, by which the railway crosses to Gaols, have sent forward 17,000 men to Bucharest, and have despatched small bodies of cavalry as far as the Danube, at Kalafat, where, however, the Turks are now posted. Their plan for crossing the Danube is not yet revealed, but it is asserted that 250,000 men will be in Roumania by Tuesday, and all ought to be ready for the passage by 12th May. The Turks have as yet done nothing beyond occupying Kalafat, and were too late to resist the occupation of the bridge at Sereth. The action of the Roumanian authorities is still indecisive, but the official statement is that Roumania yields to for ce majeure, and that her army retires, to avoid conflicts with the Russian forces. In reality, the Govern- ment of Bucharest is friendly to Russia, but most unwilling to see its country made the theatre of war, or its people heavily requisitioned.