The Chief Political Interest Of The Week At Home Has
been the Home-rule question, which was brought into prominence before Tuesday's debate by a discussion as to the failure of the Home- rule party to carry Mr. Kay at Salford.......
Mr. Hanbury-tracy On Friday Week Asked For A Committee To
consider the whole question of Parliamentary Reporting, and especi- ally the expediency of an official and verbatim report of debates in the House of Commons. We have commented......
Count Von Moltke Made A Speech In The German Parliament
on April 24 which has given rise to unreasonable apprehension. He was asking for 105 extra captaincies, and stated that he did not believe in peace ; that this was a period of......
The Division Showed 67 Members In Favour Of Inquiry And
417 against it,—an increase of three for the Home-rulers since last year and of 126 against them. The English Members who voted for in- quiry were twelve in number,—Mr. Jacob......
Lord Carnarvon On Monday Carried The Second Reading Of His
South-African Confederation Bill, under which any Colonies or 'free States in South Africa which accept the Bill can federate themselves into a Dominion on the Canadian model.......
The Results Of 'mr. O'donnell's Threats Were Apparent...
Mr. Shaw, M.P. for Cork County, brought on the proposal for an inquiry into the Home-rule question on Tuesday, in a very able and studiously moderate speech, in which, after......
The Government Appears Suddenly To Have Reconsidered Its...
Hobart Pasha's position. On Friday week Lord Derby, attacked by the Earl of Camperdown, said Captain Hobart was restored because the reorganisation of the Turkish fleet was a......