Reflections. By A. B. Evans, D.D. (Hodges.)—These "Reflections" 1 were
short addresses delivered at mid-day celebrations of the Holy Communion in the Church of which Dr. Evans is rector. Hence they are necessarily brief and fragmentary, suggestive rather than satisfying. But they are certainly suggestive in an uncommon degree. Dr. Evans's theology does not, indeed, always come up to his own beat standard. If he were always what he is in such discourses as " The Natural Body and the Spiritual " and " The Church," he would leave us little to desire. It might seem strange to wish him more courage. The courage of say- ing what he thinks he has in even a singular degree, as all who have had the pleasure of hearing him preach can testify, but he might have with advantage more courage in thinking. He often seems to be on the verge of great utterances, which something keeps him back from actually giving forth. The second sermon, on " Religious Materialism," is an instance of what we mean. Here is a subject on which we cannot but think that he had something great to say, and might have said it with singular effect, considering the position which he holds in the Church, but he does not, at the best, do more than hint it. Still we have reason to thank Dr Evans heartily for what he has given us in this volume.