28 APRIL 1906, Page 13


Edmund Burke : Apostle of Justice and Liberty. By T. Dundas Pillans. (Watts and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Pillans is of opinion that "the principles which Burke advocated and which were after- wards embodied in the emancipating legislation of the Liberal Party during two generations have fallen into sad discredit and oblivion." So he thinks the present a fitting time for recalling public attention to "the profound wisdom and consummate statesmanship unfolded by the work of this great man." This task he has accomplished by quotations so numerous and so voluminous that they amount to nine-tenths of the book. As such it is, at the least, a preparation for a more extended study of Burke. Mr. Pilla,ns's chief personal compilation is an introductory essay on "The Man, his Genius, and his Gospel." One may not agree with all the writer's in- ferences, but the essay is carefully tb,ought out and well written.