28 APRIL 1906, page 31

A " Revolution " To Be Resisted.

[To THE EDITOR OF TUB "S1'ECTATOR:1 put,—As one who had shared " Conservator's " apprehensions (see issue of April 14th) that much zeal for Free-trade had chilled for a time the......

Letters To The Editor.

THE NATIONAL CHITRCH AND THE EDUCATION BILL. Fro THE EDITOR OF THE " $PECTATOR."3 . Sur,—The pronouncements of the majority of the Bishops, , and the polemical fervour with......

The Education Bill.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sre,,—Grant to an old man who has tried to keep himself at school some seventy years, and who has been a school manager for nearly fifty......

The Duty Of The National Church.

• [To THE EDITOR. OF THE "SPZOTATOB.."] SIR,—In common, no doubt, with thousands of my fellow- clergy, I have seriously pondered the advice you gave us on the above subject in......