28 APRIL 1906, Page 19

The decisions of the Army Council in the recent "

ragging " case in the 1st Battalion of the Scots Guards were issued on Monday. Colonel Cuthbert is to be placed on half-pay; the Adjutant, Captain Stracey, is to be severely censured and removed from the Adjutancy ; while the Assistant- Adjutant, Lieutenant Dalrymple-Hamilton, is to be similarly censured, removed from office, be once superseded for promo- tion, and have leave stopped for one year The senior subal- tern, Lieutenant C. F. P. Hamilton, has his leave stopped for one year and is to be twice superseded for promotion ; while the other officers concerned receive severe censure, have their leave stopped for periods of six months or one year, and in several cases are also to be superseded for promotion. An expression of the displeasure of the Army Council is also ordered to be conveyed to Surgeon-Major Whiston. Lieutenant Clark. Kennedy, the object of the "ragging," has left the battalion. The sentences are severe, but not unjust, and the 'offence, in view of the Memorandum issued two years ago, is one which the Army Council were bound to regard as of the first gravity. We greatly regret the loss to the Army of so keen and popular an officer as Colonel Cuthbert, though we trust it may not be a permanent loss, but the incident will not have been wasted if it impresses upon commanding officers once and for all their responsibility for all disciplinary measures, and puts a stop to practices which are undignified, unpleasing, and fruitless.