The Clergy List, 1906. (Kelly's Directories. 12s. 6d.)—We have examined
a considerable part of this volume, and have nothing but praise for the accuracy with which it has been corrected and brought up to date. The plan is to give an alphabetical list of the clergy, including those of the English Church, the Episcopal Church of Scotland, the Irish and the Colonial Churches, with particulars of the cures which they have served, and a similar list of benefices, with as near an approach to their value as can be made. We have an impression that the number of the English clergy is diminishing. The Clergy List of 1901 has the same number of pages in its first section, the list of clergy. But then we have to consider that particulars are given somewhat more fully in the present issue, and that the number of the missionary and Colonial clergy is larger. In 1905 the "Clergy in the Colonies" (A—C) numbered 990; they now number 1,084.