The Labour Party : What it is, What it Wants.
By Conrad Noel. (T. Fisher Unwin, is. net.)—We cannot discuss the "Demands of Labour" as they are set forth in this volume. To many people they will seem both unwise and unjust. They are certainly a little startling. All that we have to say here is to snake this suggestion :—After reading this volume, study the history of labour legislation in the fourteenth century. The "mills of God grind slowly." In France the Jacquerie happened in 1358, and after four hundred and thirty years the Revolution. The English Statutes of Labourers were passed in 1349-51, so that the revanche has been far slower in coming. But then, happily for ourselves, the Statutes practically failed. Still, Labour will have its day, let us hope it will not be to its own hurt.