Never for long can Mr. Henry Ford keep his name
out of the headlines of the American Press. He is unques- tionably one of the most picturesque personalities in America to-day--one week he is in the limelight as a possible• candidate for the Presidency ; the next week the papers are full of some new Ford industrial scheme. Recent files of American newspapers refer to the latest Ford enterprise, which is nothing less than the acquiring of 165,000 acres of coal-bearing land, estimated to contain half a billion tons of coaL Acting on the principle of the Chicago meat-packers, who utilize every by-product to the utmost, Mr. Ford in future proposes to mine all the coal forhis own factories and for all the manufacturers of parts for his cars and tractors. According to the New York Nation, " he modestly plans to solve the country's coal problem by installing furnaces which will remove only the gases and similar substances." The coal will, it is said, be left intact for domestic heating purposes, and it will be distributed to the homes of working men near each plant.