News Of The Week.
T HE past week has been dominated by the inter- national importance of the speech delivered by Lord Curzon in the House of Lords on Friday, April 20th. It amounted to a far more......
The Speech Has Produced A Much Greater Effect In Berlin
than in Paris. Indeed, some writers in Germany seek to interpret the speech as indicating the long- sought - for British " intervention. " Lord Curzon did not mean this—indeed,......
The Coercion Of Votes Is, Of Course, An Old - Established...
in the Balkans. But M. Stambulisky, the Bulgarian Premier, has carried this policy to its illogical conclusion. Many rich people in Bulgaria who feared the possibility of a......
On Monday The Allies And The Turk Again Found Themselves
face to face across the Conference tables of Lausanne. By one of those conventions dear to the heart of diplomats, and indeed often usefully soothing to ruffled statesmen, the......
In Paris, On The Other Hand, It Cannot Be Said
that Lord Curzon's speech had a good reception. The French realize with characteristic clear-mindedness the particular danger of Germany making such an offer as would be......
On Thursday, The 19th, At Cairo, The New Egyptian...
was signed. The Constitution was drawn up by a Commission appointed last autumn. Since then there have been persistent attempts to make it less democratic. These attempts......
The Only Really Threatening Feature Of The Situation Is The
notorious " Chester Concession, " which we described last week. It is still not clear if it represents a genuine, if sanguine, belief on the part of the Turk in the future......