Or if stern duty prevents a trip to Hawaii, what
about the invitation of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce to spend your vacation in " the Charmed Land ? "
"Unique in climate—soft, soothing, glorious days and cool, refreshing nights. Unique in the absence of pests and poisonous reptiles, of cyclones, hurricanes and earthquakes. Unique in the glory and beauty of the land—snowelad mountains set in superb Alpine gardens, mountain lakes equalling Switzerland's, rushing trout streams, tumWing waterfalls, vast forests and lovely woodsy things, the surf pounding In from the Pacific, great stretches of inland sea, perfect motor roads and alluring trails. No other such land of golf and summer sport and play. Decide early, decide now—come."
Who could resist the picture of " vast forests and lovely woodsy things ? " I suggest that every British Railway group should send its young advertisement writers for a year's apprenticeship in the United States before permitting them to write " copy."