On Thursday, the 19th, the House of Commons had some
opportunity to discuss agriculture. The real opportunity had been lost by the -" row "- after the Government's defeat, but considering the short time allowed twit, the discussion was informing. In particular Sir 'Robert Sanders, the Minister of Agriculture, made a statement in which he gave .several interesting facts and figures. For example; it appears that we spend about £910,000 a year on agricultural research and education. This is certainly a pitifully small sum for a great nation -to devote to such a subject, yet it 'is .probably more than many people were aware of. To-day there are over one million allotments in the country. Here, at any rate, 'is a tangible legacy from the War. Again, the State may have its shortcomings as a producer, but on the Turf it is invincible. The national stud last year made a profit of £28,000, winning no less than forty-two races.