Education in Africa. By Thomas Jesse Jones. (New York Phelps - Stokes
Fund, 297 Fourth Avenue. 81.50c.)
We must be content for the moment to call attention to this interesting and valuable Report, compiled for the African Education Commission by its Chairman, on the education of the natives in British West Africa, Angola, Belgian Congo and South Africa. This American Commission included both white and coloured members, who travelled far and wide in Africa at the cost of the Phelps-Stokes Fund. Mr. Jones seems to think that in West Africa we have made a good beginning : he hardly realizes, perhaps, that we should have done much more but for the difficulty of levying any form of direct taxation. In South Africa he commends warmly the good work done in Natal. He urges the Nigerian Govern- ment to allow Christian missionaries to work in and near the Moslem districts, in the name of religious freedom. Here, again, he underestimates the political difficulties.