TO provide six scholarships tenable for at least one year
at' three American. Universities, Yale, Harvard and Princeton, by young Englishmen, undergraduates or graduates, from Oxford and. Cambridge, Mrs. Henry P. Davison has established a trust fund. Mrs. Davison is the widow of Mr. Henry P. Davison, the well-known American banker, partner in Messrs. J. P. Morgan and Co. The Fund is to be administered by a committee to be appointed - by the presidents of the three Univer, sities. The committees appointed at. Oxford and Cam. bridge will select " applicants who,, in their opinion, represent the highest type of University man,_ basing their choice upon the character and general' standing of the men in the University communion." It gives us the greatest pleasure to record this munificent contribu- tion to the cause of Anglo-American amity.