WAR-OFFICE, Aug. 24.-lst Regt. of Drags.-Lieut. A. H. de Trafford has been allowed to retire from the service by. the sale of his commission; T. K. Fitzgerald, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase. 12th Regt. of Light Drags.--Regimental Sergt.- Major E. Brown to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Roll. dec. 1st or Grenadier Foot Guards-Lieut. and Capt. the Hon. H. Forester to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Brevet Col. C. Begot, who retires ; Ensign and Lieut. C. V. N. Pole to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase,vice Hon. H. T. Forester. 15th Regt. of Foot- Lieut. H. G. A. Powell, from half-pay of the Royal Canadian Rifle Regt. to be Lieut. vies Sayers, appointed Paymaster. 21st Foot-Assist.-Surg. J. Fraser, M.D. from the Rifle Brigade, to be Surg.. vice Tice, appointed to the Staff. 326 Foot-Lieut. H. E. King, from 50th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Medley, who exchanges. 50th Foot- Lieut. J. Medley, from the 32d Foot, to be Lieut. vice King, who exchanges. 524 Foot-Ensign A. Henley, from the 81st Foot, to be Ensign, vice the Hon. H. Flower, promoted. 55th Foot-W. C. Mackinnon, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, Vice England, promoted. 80th Foot-Assist.-Surg. G. Auchinleck, M.D. from the 824 Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Lucas, appointed to the Staff. 826 Foot-Assist.-Staff- Sorg. A. E. Jacob to be Assist.-Surg. vice Auchinleck, appointed -to the 80th Foot. 91st Foot-Brevet Major C. F. Havelock, from half-pay Unatt. to be Capt. repaying the difference, vice Campbell, who. exchanges ; Lieut. E. G. Mainwaring to be Capt. by purchase, vice Havelock, who retires ; Ensign J. C. Sweny to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Mainwaring.
1s1 West India Regt.-J. F. N. Hewitt, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice J. N. Beasley, appointed to the 24 West India Regiment.
26 West India Regt.-Ensign J. N. Beasley, from the 1st West India Regt. to be Ensign, vice Drouet, promoted; Quartermaster-Sergt. W. Davis tobe Ensign, without purchase, vice Becher, promoted.
Staff-Brevet Major J. R. Brunker, of the 15th Foot, to be Deputy-Adjutant-Gen. in Ceylon, with the rank of Lieut.-Ca in the Army, vice Col. E. Charlton,:dec.'
Hospital Staff-Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals, with local rank in Ireland, Sir James Pitcairn, M.D. to be Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals ; Deputy-Inspector-Gen. of Hos- pitals C. Maclean. M.D. to be Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals, with local rank in Ire- land, vice Sir J. Pitcairn, M.D. who retires upon half-pay ; Staff-Surg. of the First Class A. Cumming to be Deputy-Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals, vice Maclean,
promoted ; Staff-Surg. of the Second Class D. Menzies to be Staff-Surg. of the First Class, vice Cumming, promoted; Surg. J. C. G. Tice, M.D. from the 21st Foot, to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, vice Menzies, promoted ; Assist.-Surg. H. C. Lucas, from the 80th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Jacob, appointed to the 824 Foot,
WAR-OFFICE, Aug. 27.-2d Regt. of Drags.-Lieut.-Col. J. G. Geddes, from half- pay Unattached, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Ricketts, who exchanges; Major H. D. Grif- fith to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Geddes, who retires ; Capt. D. J. Macleod to be Major, by purchase, vice Griffith ; Lieut. H. 8. Scobell to be Capt. by purchase, vice Macleod ; Cornet G. Buchanan to be Lieut. by pur. vice Scobell. 9th Light Drags. -Cornet H. L. Payne, from the 17th Light Drags. to be Cornet, vice Brickman, who retiresfrom the 'service by the sale of his commission. 15th Light Drags-Lieut. G. C. Dalbiac, from half-pay 4th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Home, prmoted to be Capt. Ifnatt.; Cornet W. 0. Bird to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Dalbiac, who retires ; \V. II. Horne, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Bird; Lieut. W. V. Greetham to be Adjutant, vice George Home, promoted. 11th Regiment of Foot-Captain Thomas Peebles, from half-pay Unattached, to be Captain, vice Grant, who exchanges. 54th Foot-Ensign E. Le Pelley to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Lake, appointed Adjt.; Lieut. P. G. B. Lake to be Adjt. vice Thomson, promoted. 62d Foot-Lieut. G. P. Drought to be Paymaster, vice Kirwan, who retires upon half-pay, as Lieut. ; Lieut. J. C. Minnit, from half-pay Royal Canadian Rifle Regt. to be Lieut. vice Drought. 85th Foot-Ensign H. G. Hooper to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Eycroft, who retires.
1st West India Regt.-Lieut. B. E. Stretch, from half-pay 7th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Barrett, appointed to the 19th Foot ; Ensign J. E. Matthews to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Stretch, who retires ; J. Steel, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Matthews.
Cape Mounted Riflemen-Ensign R. L. Thursby to be Lieut. by purchase, vice S. Wortley, promoted ; A. 0. B. Martin, Gent, to he Ensign, by purchase, vice Thursby.
lunattached-Lieut. W. F. Macbean, from the 84th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase; Lieut. B. Midgley, from the 27th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase.
Memorandum.-Capt. T. Sonthall, upon half-pay Unatt. has been permitted to retire from the Army by the sale of his commission, he being about to settle in Nova Scotia.
OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Aug. 24.-Royal Regt. of Artillery-Major-Gen. G. Turner, C.B. to be Col.-Commandant, vice Sir T. Downman, deceased.