A Deputation From Satnaica, To Represent The Grievances...
planters, has reached this country, and been received in full divan by the Liverpool Jamaica Association. The time selected would seem to intimate that the deputation has been......
Int Court.
Tire Queen, Prince Albert, anti the Royal children, have remained at Os- borne since their Continental trip, enjoying drives in the adjacent country and short excursions in the......
The British Museum will be closed on Wednesday next, for the pur- pose of being cleaned and receiving additions. It will be reopened tq the public'on Tuesday the 7th September,......
The Exciteable Portion Of The American Public Having:...
hope of being able to blow up the Fishery dispute with Great Bri- tain into a serious quarrel, have turned their encroaching ener- gies in another direction. Some uninhabited......