In the English Stock Market., Government Securities, which closed at an improvement of 1 on Saturday last, exhibited continued firmness on Monday ; when Consols were again above par, leaving off that afternoon at 1001. On Tuesday the weather was unfavourable for harvest operations, particularly in the afternoon • and the Funds experienced a reaction of 1 per cent, as- sisted by a few realizers on the previous advances, as well as some specula- tive sales. On Wednesday, under the influence of fine weather and improved prices from Paris, they in some degree recovered their firmness ; and Con- sols again advanced to 100/, but closed at below that price. Yesterday having been free from rain' the market regained the previous day's reaction ; which it maintained up to the close. Today, after having been depressed 1, it recovered a shade, Consols leaving off at 991 109. Several investments have been made during the week on the part of the public ; and a dulness in the corn-market, together with the pacific intelligence from America with reference to the question of the Fisheries, have in some degree inspired con- fidence. Bank Stook has this week advanced 3 per cent, including a rise of 2 today ; the last price being 229 230. Exchequer Bills are of the same value as last week. India Stock is I per cent better. In the Foreign Market, not much business has been transacted, but an im- provement has taken place in the following Stocks compared with the last re- port : Russian Five per Cents, and Sardinian, I ; Spanish Three per Cents and Deferred, /-; Dutch Four per Cents, 1; Ditto Two-and-a-half per Cents, 1. Pe- ruvian declined about I per cent in the early part of the week, and on Tuesday sales were effected as low as 99. This was in consequence of the proceedings of the American Government in connexion with the guano deposits at the Lobos Islands. The Stock has since recovered from this depression, being the re- sult of speculative purchases. At Vienna, a new Austrian loan is expected to be shortly contracted. A meeting of Portuguese Bondholders took place on Wednesday, at which Mr. Richard Thornton presided, with reference to the non-payment' of dividends, and the appropriation of a part of the revenue given as security for the payment of the foreign loans to the promotion of a railway from Lisbon to Oporto. These and other acts of that Government were loudly condemned. The interference of Lord Malmesbury was to be re- quested, and the services of the English press in the cause were warmly eu- logized. The annexed resolutions were proposed and carried- 1. That the conduct of the Portuguese Government, in their repeated attempts to violate their engagements with their foreign creditors, and not paying the half- yearly dividends due on their Bonds, for which the entire revenues of the kingdom of Portugal and its dependencies, and especially the duties collected at the Lisbon and Oporto Customhouses, are sacredly pledged, is most unjust to those creditors, and a direct forfeiture of every principle of integrity and honour ; and that the Com- mittee appointed to watch over the interest of these Bondholders be requested to make such further remonstrance, to the Portuguese Government in support of their claims as they in their judgment shall deem expedient.
"2. That the Committee be and is hereby requested to seek an interview with the Earl of Malmesbury, her Mejesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and submit to him the sacrifices which they have already made, the claims which they at present have on the Portuguese Government, and the injustice with which they are met, and to request his Lordship will be pleased to afford them his valuable assistance in obtaining an equitable adjustment of the same.
"3. That the best thanks of the meeting be tendered to the press, and especially to the leading morning journals, for their laudable exertions in the cause of the deeply- injured Bondholders, and for the steadfast and eloquent advocacy of their just and most sacred claims ; and the meeting trusts the same praiseworthy support will be continued until redress is obtained.'
In the Share Market, there has been greater firmness on the average in Railway Stocks ; although they have been rather sensitive, the opera- tors looking to the state of Console to regulate their transactions. A con- siderable amount of business was transacted on Monday, at an advance of from 11. to 2/. per share in the leading linee. On Tuesday, the market opened with steadiness, but suffered from the unfavourable change in the weather, and at the close had more than lost the previous day's improvement. London and North-western, Great Western, and Midland, declined 21. On Wednesday and Thursday, there was a better market, with gradually improving prices. At the close of business yesterday, there was an increase in value to the following extent compared with Sa- turday last : Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1/. Si.; Bristol and Exeter, 11.; Great Northern, Great Western, and Midland, 10s.; London and South- western and London, Brighton, and South Coast, of the same value as last week ; London and North-western, 1/. lower. In Foreign Shares, East In- dian Paris and Igons, and Paris and Strasbourg, are 158., and Northern of France, and Parrs and Rouen, 108. higher. There is very little alteration in these today, but the leading English lines are from las. to 15s. lower.
In the English Stock Market there is nothing doing this morning, and prices continue at the closing quotations of yesterday ; Consols for Money and the Account being 94 100. The Foreign Market is perfectly quiet, with prices nominal, except Peruvian, which is I per cent higher, being 101 3. Railway Stocks, which closed with a dull appearance yesterday, continue flat ; business has been transacted in the following lines—Manchester, Buxton, and Matlock, 3; Midland, 764; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, New 10/., 12; Great Western, 941 ; London and North-western Fifths, 151.
SATURDAY Two o'Crucx. In the English Stock Market, the Funds, after having been 4 higher, finally close at the price of the morning : Consols 99i 100, both for Money and the Account; Exchequer Bills, 74s. 77s. In Foreign Stocks there has not been the least animation, and prices have not altered. In the Share Market, there was rather more business transacted in Railway Stocks towards the end of the day, and at little better prices—Aberdeen, 26; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, st; Bristol and Exeter, 1031; Caledonian, 40 1 ; Chester and Holyhead, 20; Eastern Counties, 114; Great Northern, 77; Ditto Half- shares, B 6 per Cent, 117; Great Western, 95; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 814; Ditto Fifths, 94, London and Blackwell, 84; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1031; London and Nortb-'western, 1211; Ditto Fifths, 151 ; London and South-western, 914; Midland, 76}; Norfolk, 444; North British, 301; North Staffordshire 121; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolver- hampton, 481 ; South-eastern, 71k,i York, Newcastle, and Berwick,
Ditto Extension, 124; York and orth Midland, 485; Chester and Holy- head, 19; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 15k; Norfolk Extension, 224; North British, 100; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 15l. 6 per Cent, 115; Northern of France, 261; Paris and Rouen, 341.
3 per Cent Consols
DIV.° for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents
Lone Annuities
Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents
Cirn 6 per Cents
Danish 5 per Cents
991 100
99 100 1
104 I 6,1 la-la
229 230 74 77 273 276 101 3 95 7 105 7 107 8 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents
Mexican 3 per Cents
Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 „Russian 5 per Cents
Ditto 44 per Cents
Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred .,.
Sardinian 5 per Cent Austrian Scrip 82 4 641 51 98 9i
101 8 100 2 120 2 Rei 5 49 4 221 /
95 6