[To THE EDITOR OF TIM " SPZCTLTOR.1 SIE,..4 was much interested to see "Ca Co'a " letter in the Spectator of August 14th, as I had once seen a very similar scene. Our cat, a very fierce one, was lying asleep on the lawn when some swallows (I believe they were swifts) swooped down close to her, screaming loudly. She lifted her head and. seemed annoyed, but tried to sleep again. They, however, swept over her again and again, and at last she beat a retreat. They seemed to do this in fun and daring. I have twice seen a cat driven away by another small bird. On the first occasion puss was fast asleep under a seat on the lawn when a water-wagtail ran at her, uttering loud screams. He con- tinued to do this many times, until the cat got up and walked away, when Mrs. Water-wagtail:and four little ones arrived, 11.73A ran about catching insects. Another time a young but very fierce cat was strolling along the path in a leisurely manner when a water-wagtail ran at her and screamed. The cat cowered back, as if in terror, turned cautiously, as it would have done in the face of a dog, and then slunk away.—