A Minion Of The Moon. By T. W. Speight. (chatto
and Windus.)—The reader will probably be dismayed at the first sentence that he encounters. "When the nineteenth century was still a puling infant scarcely able to stand alone,......
Dante, Petrarch, And Camoens : One Hundred And...
Translated by Richard Garnett, LL.D. (J. Lane.)—Dr. Garnett has manifestly spent much labour on this volume, and has achieved a success which, if not complete—and what is harder......
The Soudan, '96. By H. C. Seppings Wright. (horace Cox.)—
Mr. Wright, having been in Ashantee on behalf of the Illustrated London News, was sent out, three weeks afterwards, to represent that paper in the advance against the Dervishes.......
Current Literature.
The Annual Register for the Year 1896. (Longmans and Co.) —The chief contents of the volume are to be found, as usual, in the chapters headed "English History" and "Foreign......
The Education Of Children At Rome. By George Clarke, Ph.d.
(Macmillan and Co.)—This volume contains a dissertation. written for the degree of Ph.D. at the University of Colorado. The literature of the subject is not large, and the......
Relics Of Primeval Life. By Sir J. William Dawson. (hodder
and Stoughton.)—This volume contains a series of lectures- delivered by the author at Boston, U.S. The thesis which they maintain and illustrate in detail, is given on pp.......
Anglican Pulpit Library. Vols. V.-vi. (hodder And...
volume of the Anglican Pulpit Library contains "sermons, outlines, and illustrations" for eleven Sundays, beginning with Whitsunday and ending with the Ninth Sunday - after......
Recent Novels.* It Would Be Difficult To Find A Grosser
libel on the name " Christian " than that involved in its use on the title-page of Mr. Hall Caine's new novel. For the Reverend John Storm is not only the Christian of the......
Xschylus : Septem Contra Thebes. Edited By F. G. Plaistowe,
ILA. (W. B. Clive.)—This is a volume of the "University Tutorial Series," and one that well keeps up to its high standard of practical excellence. Possibly Mr. Plaistowe is too......