THE dark news from Russia of the past few weeks has been relieved by a considerable naval success in the Gulf of Riga. We heartily congratulate our brave and much-enduring ally on a feat which has sensibly checked the German scheme of advance. For the grandiose move- ment on Petrograd it is essential for the Germans to hold Riga, and the attempt to force the Gulf of course had that object. We do not ourselves think that even the holding of Riga would enable the Germans to reach the capital. Not only does much swampy and difficult country lie between Riga and Petrograd, but the coast road is at several points commanded from the sea. The main Russian Fleet is not, and was not, in the Gulf of Riga, but is at large in the Baltic. In other words, in order to give the German troops sae conduct along the road to Petrograd the Germans must conquer the main Russian Fleet as well as capture Riga. Meanwhile, with Riga holding out, the Russians are depriving the Germans of the factor of speed which is indispensabae to their operations if they are to achieve a smashing result before winter closes in upon them.