Dr. Watts's Hymns.
[TO Tun EDITOR OP TUE "SPECTATOR:9 SIB, — It is interesting and instructive to careful readers of the Spectator to refer occasionally to a file or bound volumes so well indexed.......
Buns: A Voice From The Front. [to Tem Entor Or
THE .'Srscrivos.."] Sirt,—May one who has served nearly ten months with the Expeditionary Force say one word as to the attitude, as it appears to him, of a greet many people at......
"one Crowded Hour Of Glorious Life."
[TO VIE EDITOR Or TER "SPEOTATOR."] SIR,—Some little time ago you printed a letter from me con- taining a Greek translation of some lines by Sir Henry Newbolt. Will you now let......
Culture And The Gospel.
(To Tun EDITOR OF Till "SPEOTATOR."1 Si,—You may think it worth while to notice some words of Dr. Rudolf Sohm, Professor of Law at Leipsio. They occur at the end of his......
Germania Contra Mundum.
[To TRH EDITOR OF THE "SPEOTATOR."1 Sin,—Re Lord Cromer's article "Germania Contra Mundum —IV.," I should like to mention that, besides the two therein named, at least one other......
Russian Words In English Dress.
[To THE EDITOR OF Tina "SPRCTATOR:] Sin,—Russian is unknown to me, but I have been interested in the transliteration of other languages, and have arrived at the conclusion,......
The Industrial Reserve,
[To TILE EDITOR OP TUE " SPECTATOR. " ) Sus,—We should like to thank you for inserting our second appeal on behalf of Raine's Foundation Schools for money to purchase a drilling......