Tem Queen and the Dutchess of Kent attended divine service on Christmas-day, in St. George's Chapel. Her Majesty communicated ; the Reverent Mr. Musgrave and Honourable and Reverend Mr. Moore administering the saes-uncut. Then the Dutchess of Kent, the Mar- chioness of Norbanby, Lord Melbourne, Lord Byron, Mr. Rich, and Mr. Charles Murray, went through the same holy ceremony.
Among the visiters at the Castle during the week, besides Lord Melbourne, we notice Lord and Lady Kituntird, Mr. and Mrs. Berke- ley Paget, the Marquis of Normanby, Mr. G. Liddell, and the Reverend W, Cunniu e
The Bishop of London preached before the Queen in the Chapel Royal, St. James's, on Christmas-day. The Marquis of Headfort and Lord Hill were among the nobility attending the service.