28 DECEMBER 1839, page 4

Mr. Thomas Attwood's Resignation Of His .s.ezt For...

mentioned in our second edition last week. It was formally commuuie cated to the " Electors and Inhabitants of the Borough" in a letter published in the Birmingham. Journal of......

A Large Party Of Liberals Dined Together At Ashton On

the 19th instant, " anxioue to tonere their borough from time disgrace which had attached to it, in coeseoneee e of the coarse treason spouted by some itinerant politicians who......

Lord Normanby Has Addressed The Following Letter To Mr....

Seholefield, late Mayor of Birtningham, and the other Magistrates, acquitting the Magistrates of wilful neglect of duty during the riots on the 15th of July. " Whitehall, 20th......