A meeting, summoned by the Lord Provost, was held in
the Town- hall of Glasgow, on Saturday, to petition Parliament for a repeal of the Corn-laws. Mr. Alexander Johnston moved the first resolution— attributing to the Corn laws the drain of bullion, and the evil conse- quences to commerce thence ensuing. Mr. Moir, a Chartist, moved an addition to the rmlution—dechning the necessity of such a reduc- tion of taxation as avottP enable the agriculturist as well as the manu- facturer to compete v. ith the comparatively untaxed foreigner. No objection to the amendment being made, the resolution, with the addi- tion, was carried unanimously.
Mr. Walter Buchanan moved the second resolution—describing the injurious effects of the Corn-laws on the manufactures of Great Britain, and on the working classes ; Mr. Paulson, a Chartist, moved an addi- tion to the resolution—expressing the conviction of the meeting that the Corn-laws would never be repealed until the people obtained Uni- versal Suffrage. The Chairman, Mr. William Mills, refused to put the resolution with the addition ; as the object of the meeting had nothing to do with the representation of the People : it was to obtain the repeal of' the Corn- laws that they were assembled. A good deal of squabbling and confu- sion ensued. Mr. Oswald, M.P., failed in en attempt to obtain a hear- ing. The Chairman put the resolution without the amendment, and many bands were held up for it. The Chartists called for a show of hands for Mr. Pattison's amended resolution ; when a clear majority declared in its favour. The Chairman refused to take cognizance of the second show of hands ; and left the hall, accompanied by Mr. Os- wald, Mr. Dennistoun, and the gentlemen who had intended to propose a petition to Parliament founded on the resolutions they had prepared, but whose object had been defeated by the Chartist majority. The Chartists then pat Mr. C. Itos:; in the chair, and adopted a peti- tion embodying their own resolution ; which is to be forwarded to Mr. Leader to present to the House of Commons.