In the Port Philip Gazette of July the 31st, received
with our last batch of papers from Australia, we find the following-
" The happy object of Queen Victoria's choice is Prince Albert, son of the reigning Duke of Saxe Coburg, and cousin of her Majesty. Prince Albert is handsome, and about twenty-two years of age. He has resided some time ht this country, on a visit to Ins royal relatives. How soon the happy event is to take place we arc notprepared to say, but our readers may depend upon 'the authenticity of our information."—San. We arc authorized to give the most positive-contradiction to the above un- nwlleentent."—,11-oruing Chronicle. This is amusing, coming back to us now when the realityis known, after the expiration of so many mouths, and when the Sun s announcement and tic Morning Chronicle's contradiction had been alike forgotten. It reminds us, too, how the Chronicle was served by Ministerial "au- thority" in the matter of another important announcement. We can believe what the tibrning Chronicle states on its Own-credit, but whenever it professes to have "authority," we become suspicious and sceptical.