Arrived-At Gravesend, Dee. 230, Cleopatra, Laity. from Mamititis; 24th, Lord finnmarez, Simon, from ditto; Wane, Purvis; and Hopeful, Beeves, from The ('nine'
Port-ea, Lowe, from ; Aim Gales, Giles, nom New South Wailes; and C■de, from the Cat, ; hitidain. from Pengal ; Courier.
from to ; Emily Jane, Kea,,edy, fr,,in China ; King, from Batavia; Vitas-I, a. Pentreath. lt,an Mauritius; Falcon. Mithony ; Wid „Ton, fops,; Emma Eugenia, Wade; lioelterY, Hughes; and Rob Roy. —, note the Cape. At IAAel 21st, porel, Turemi; mot 2211, Tomei lam:, M' Kenzie, bum Bengal ; hod 25th, Eliza Kincaid, from Singapore. At St. November )Ili, Chador. Torre, from Metro, ; and Lucy, Wallace, from London. At the Cape, previous to Nil:. 4‘11, Cheerful, Nmith ; Jack Tar, Langley ; Arab, Nash ; mid Ailrasue„ Day, horn Liver. pool ; General Palmer, [lotto; London. Tad; Dryads, IIsard; Euphrates, Wilson ; ranei., ; Eagle, Patterson ; nod Ceram Patterson. from London; Malabar, Duuh p. Irmo the Clyde; Minerva, Brown, front Datniu; Perthshire, Christie, from 7Staecaalla; Asia. Pattosun ; VectiS. lyeluolluer;, Europa, Brow!' ; and Perfeet, sum, futon 11en;m1; and l'oung Quoit', Atkins, (corn Java. At Maaritios, Oct, 1st, Alien', Annoy], non Liverpool; and Commodore, Purchase, front Lundon. Stilled-Lirrom Oraveserich -Dee: 21st; Washingtm; Ihnison, -tbrehhetv, llomebaPb1. lick ; and Inglis, Routh, for Bombay. From Live:001,-234, Per bum, Etlingten, for Bengal. , Saromatv. MORN rNO.
... ,
Arrived-In the Davits, Margaret, Citimey, froMIlenEttl. Off-cork, Young (lees,;
Atkins, from Java. . .